

Founded in 2018, Earlytrade is the largest B2B liquidity marketplace in the APAC region and a trusted partner for more than 90,000 businesses. Designed to redefine how businesses operate, Earlytrade solves more than just on-demand liquidity, it forms the building blocks of a strong, risk-free supply chain. Being awarded Australia’s Best New Proptech Business in 2022, bolstering their leadership team and forging a bold mission to become the largest provider of cash flow to the construction sector globally, the time was right to align the brand strategically, ensuring it was true to the vision of delivering certainty and trust.


Recognising the power of their innovative business proposition, we developed a unique and memorable brand that positions Earlytrade as the cornerstone of excellence and ambitious leaders in their field. We centred the visual identity around the idea of dynamic discounting, which underlines their early settlement process and fluid approach. The primary visual element is a vibrant world of architectural 3D building blocks that are in constant motion. This fluid motion symbolises the agile and adaptable nature of their financial solutions, clearly setting them apart in the market.

Brand Identity
Business stage
High Growth Scale Up
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Brand Strategy: White Label Words
Brand Identity:
Awe Studios
Art direction:
Awe Studios
3D Artwork:
Web Design & Development: Bapple